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I was in a car on a highway, there’s a violinist in the car sitting next to me. It’s always a bit too loud when someone playing live music right in a tiny car. It was beautiful because I’ve never been on a highway like this. Soon I realized that I wasn’t in the car, I was the highway, I am the highway. And there’s a violinist in every car on this highway, they were all playing the same song.
車子在高速公路上奔馳,我旁邊坐著一個小提琴手。四人座車裡面的現場演奏通常就是有點太吵,但依然很美妙,畢竟我從來 沒有來過這條高速公路。很快地我發現自己根本不在車裡,也不在高速公路上,我似乎就是高速公路。而且這條高速公路上的 每台車裡都配有一個小提琴手,他們全部都在彈同一首歌。
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