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微風,天氣晴, 貓來到湖邊,伸出貓手猛往水裡撈, 撈到魚看一眼就扔回去,也不吃, 彷彿上輩子曾經是隻魚, 來到湖邊只為尋找自己的真身。 3IL33N艾草凌凌2024個展 11/1~28 正白#ffffff 11/7~30 Error22鼴鼠 (註:本展沒有真貓,也沒有魚受到傷害) It was a sunny day with slight wind. A cat came to the lake and tried to catch fish, but each time it caught one, it threw it back. It never ate any of them. The cat came to the lake in search of fish to remind itself of its past life as a fish, longing for a time before it became a cat. 3IL33N Eileen Song Solo Exhibition 2024/11/1~28 #FFFFFF 2024/11/4~30 Error22 (There’s no real cat or wounded fish in this exhibition.)




contains information about the artist, videos and images of selected works.

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